Saturday, October 18, 2008

Obama & McCain at the Al Smith Dinner

I really like both routines. Both guys seemed to have fun and were in fine form. Here's the video's:

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

"I Just Wanna Spread the Wealth Around"

BHO, in Ohio, talking to a guy who's working 12 hour days building a plumbing business from the ground up:

"Spread the wealth around?" This just reinforces that BHO's claim of giving a tax cut to "95%" of Americans (when only 67% actually pay taxes) is a crock. He's nothing but an old school socialist, taking from the middle class and giving to his voting block: the unproductive.

How much more evidence do we need of this guys contempt for the hard working Americans he claims to champion?


Tuesday, October 14, 2008

BHO - I'm 47 Times Less Experienced Than Palin

He just can't help himself.

Barack Hussein Obama is at it again. This time, he compares his experience with that of Alaska governor Sarah Palin. That would be all fine and dandy, except he compares his experience with hers as Mayor of Wassila, AK, seemingly forgetting she was Governor of Alaska.

Oh well, I guess managing a campaign of 2500 ACORN workers is pretty impressive, except for the fact that Palin managed 77,000 employees of the state of Alaska.



Monday, October 6, 2008

Captain Kang Screws the Pooch

I don't have a lot to say about the Vice Presidential debate, other than to say I thought Sarah Palin overdid the "aw shucks" stuff and Biden looked really creepy. Rush Limbaugh nailed it with his analysis when he said Biden looked like a Klingon. Perfect!

I kept looking at Biden's eyes, and I was facinated because he looked different. Something about his brows and forehead didn't look right. At least one plastic surgeon has stated he had loads of Botox going, but that doesn't explain why his eyebrows were pulled back like Joan Rivers on steroids. It was weird and distracting, but mostly because I already know what Biden is supposed to look like. Anybody who isn't so familiar with him may not realize he doesn't always look like Captain Kang.

Palin, for her part did OK and showed she belongs on the national stage. McCain should let her loose, especially in states like Ohio and Michigan, where she speaks the language (or at least has the accent). McCain has evidently fallen a little behind (but not nearly as behind as last weeks fabricated polls indicate) and she's an asset to the campaign, so why not let Sarah be Sarah? Don't hold her to scripts, just let her say how she feels about issues and remind people that she's if anything, more experienced than BHO.

As for Biden? Yikes! Way to show off your reptilian roots fella.

Actually, I thought he did okay, except for the part about the 14 outright lies he told. But then again, he's a democrat. He has to lie. If they told people what they really intended to do, they'd never win dog catcher, much less the presidency.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008